The Peace Education Institute was one of the seven GENE Global Education Award 2020/2021 winners. The award was given on the project The Phenomenal Agenda – Global Learning for Sense of Belonging.
The project is targeted at educational leaders and teachers, who are in a key position in enhancing sustainable future skills through the notion of agency in their own institutions. It is an international collaboration project carried out by civil society organisations and higher education institutes in Finland, Portugal, and Romania.
The purpose of the award is to highlight examples of good practices of quality global education initiatives in Europe, to enable multiplication or scale-up, and to enhance policy learning across borders.
The Finnish National Agency for Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs nominated the Peace Education Institute to take part in the contest in Finland. 47 nominated organisations submitted a wide range of inspiring initiatives and programmes. GENE selected 7 initiatives that will be awarded € 10,000 each.
Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is the European network of Ministries and Agencies with national responsibility for policymaking, funding and support in the field of Global Education established in 2001.
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Keskeisimmät rahoittajamme ovat Opetushallitus, aluehallintovirasto ja Euroopan unioni. Olemme projektiorganisaatio ja rahoituksemme tulee pääosin hankerahoituksista ja koulutusmyynnistä.
Rauhankasvatusinstituutti on Unescon virallinen kansalaisjärjestökumppani.