Solidarity Project Workshops

Do you have an idea of how to change the world? Would you like to brighten up and make development in your own neighbourhood, organize an accessible city tour or offer multicultural bicycle workshops? Have you had new ideas about a solidarity project during the times of social distancing, but you are yet without the money and the resources to put everything into practice?

How to enhance solidarity?

The European Union offers to fund young adults for projects enhancing solidarity and we, in turn, offer support to apply for this funding. A group of at least 5 people (age 18–30 years) can apply for the funding for their project. You can get more than 7500 euros for your one-year project from the European Solidarity Corps. 
During the virtual workshops, we will introduce previously produced projects, assist in outlining an idea to a project plan, clarify the EU jargon, and offer professional mentoring and assistance to carry out the application form.  You also have the possibility to contemplate your ideas on the project together with the team during September 2024.
In the workshop, we encourage everyone to start building their ideas based on their dreams and their own utopia of a better world. What kind of change do young people want to be creating in the world and whom do they want to start the revolution with? The funded projects should be local, enhance solidarity, and be based on common European values. 

You can participate in the first workshop even if you only have an idea of some kind. However, you can already prepare yourselves for the first session by thinking about the following questions:

  • What kind of change would you like to make with your idea? The funded projects should be local, enhance solidarity, and be based on common European values.
  • Who would you like to carry out the project with?


Contact Ansa Kilpeläinen (ansa.kilpelainen[at], if you have any questions about the workshops. 


  1. Let’s get started:
    Tue 3th September at 17–19 PM.
  2. Application form: Ideas to answers
    Week 36-27: Each group books a time (4th to 10th of September).
  3. Finalizing the application, let’s get it done!
    Tue 10th September at 17–19 PM.
  4. Writing Workshop
    Week 37-38: Each group books a time (11th to 20th of September) and/or
    participate in the writing workshop (21th of September) 11–15 PM.

In addition, we will organise an extra workshop that will focus on the economics and budget of the Solidarity projects. The session on the 16th of September (5 to 7 PM) is held by Jana Turk!

Tip! To fill up the form in English, choose the English language from the up-right corner of the form.

Solidaarisuushankkeiden teematiistait

Työpajakertojen ympärille järjestämme lisäksi Solidaarisuushankkeiden teematiistait eli kolme temaattista etäkoulutusta. Klikkaudu tiistaisin klo 17–19 linjoille inspiroitumaan ja kuulemaan lisää solidaarisuusprojekteista, hankkeen taloudenpidosta sekä hakujärjestelmästä. Teematiistait ovat kaikille ryhmille avoimia ja niille voi osallistua, vaikkei osallistuisi työpajoihin muuten. 

  • Ti 27.4. Näin me sen teimme! 

Valo Vesikauriin innostustyöpaja solidaarisuusprojekteihin. Heidän oma hankkeensa tukee transnuoria saamaan äänensä kuuluviin. Hanke sai rahoituksen viime vuoden hakukierroksella. 

  • Ti 11.5. Kati Inkisen kyselyhetki 

Mikä mietityttää hankeohjeissa, rahoitussäännöissä tai muussa? Kati Inkinen, ohjelma-asiantuntija (OPH), Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukoista vastaa. 

  •  Ti 18.5. Taloushuolet pois! 

Solidaarisuushankkeen tehneen Jana Turkin vinkit taloudenpitoon. 

Opetushallitus rahoittaa hanketta.